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To: Samsung Home Appliance Engineer

From: Akram Sherhan Safety Specialist Intern


Subject: Potential safety features to include


I’m writing to inform you about the potential safety features that can be included in the Samsung microwaves that my team and I believe are necessary in order to make the product usable by all with minimum risk. Microwaves are a massive part of our daily lives, everyone has one and we tend to believe they’re harmless but it’s quite the opposite, they can be very dangerous, especially to kids.

To start off, I’ll state the biggest problem that I think can become a huge turning point. What are the biggest issues that are present in microwaves? It’s putting metals in the microwave, and most of the time it’s kids doing this. That isn’t all though, microwaves have a stigma of being harmless when it just isn’t true. Safety labels are put out of sight by kids and even adults. Think about it, when was the last time you were able to see the safety label or instructions to safely use the device?  Another common problem is people forgetting stuff in the microwave which ends up burning and could potentially cause a fire.


  • Creating Sensors or something of that sort that is embedded in the microwave to sense if any metals are in the microwave and alert the user. This will greatly reduce the risk of potential fires or explosions caused by mistakenly putting metal objects in the microwave and greatly improve the safety of the appliance.
  •  By putting the safety labels/instructions in a more visible part of the microwave. By doing this it greatly reduces the risk of kids and even adults using the appliance incorrectly.
  • Creating a mechanism that is able to sense if the food has been overcooked/burned(possibly by potentially being forgotten) and stopping the cooking process automatically. This will prevent any possible situation where a fire can be caused by the user forgetting that the appliance is in use.

I believe that these are needed steps in order to create a safer product and even push our product above the competitors. Consumers will lean towards the safer product when purchasing a microwave appliance generating more revenue while making customers happy.